Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm going to give you a homework assignment:

Choose a person, dead or alive, that you greatly admire.

Write down three traits this person possesses and why you admire them.

Do not scroll down until you have completed the above.

Scroll down

Scroll down

Scroll down

The person you just described is yourself.
Do you remember watching the wedding of Princess Diana to Prince Charles? My friends and I sighed with envy as we compared her exciting life to ours and watched television news clips of her on the honeymoon train, not knowing that she had discovered Charles sending longing notes to his mistress during that trip!

The Royal Couple were seen as something incredibly romantic but years later we learned that it was all an illusion. Charles claimed he never loved Diana and we were all left questioning, "Then, why the hell did you marry her?"

If we spend our lives comparing them to others who seem to have it all together, we're in for a very disappointing time. Most often, things are not what they seem to be and often, we are the ones who have built up the imaginary existence, not the ones living it.

British or Hollywood Royalty...they are the same as us, they just experience life in fancier homes.